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Legal / Administrative Defense Plan

NAPSO's full Legal Services and Representation Plan offers the following benefits and performs the following UNLIMITED, UNCAPPED services for a monthly assessment per member of each Association affiliated with NAPSO (this is a summary of benefits and services; consult the full plan for detailed information):

1. Membership in NAPSO

2. Access to attorneys, attorney representatives, staff representatives or other professional staff members determined by NAPSO to be necessary to provide the services described therein.

3. Representation at interviews, interrogations, hearings or meetings at the department, division, bureau, city, county, state or district level, including:

(a) Internal Affairs (IA), Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) and Inspector General (IG) investigations

(b) Pre-disciplinary / Pre-termination hearings

(c) Member involved shootings and other critical incidents

(d) In custody deaths or life threatening injuries

(e) Accidents, while in the performance of duty, resulting in life threatening injuries or death to others

(f) Criminal charges or indictments arising out of the Member’s official performance of duty

(g) Criminal charges or indictments arising out of the Member’s off-duty conduct

(h) Civil actions arising out of the Member’s official performance of duty if representation is not provided by the employer

(i) Grievances of contract and policy issues

(j) Arbitration hearings

(k) Employee-Management Relations Board hearings

(l) Labor-Management Committees

(m) Labor-Management Boards

(n) Personnel Boards

(o) City Council, County Commission, Boards of Supervisors or Regulatory Agency meetings

(p) Civil Service Boards

(q) POST Commission hearings

4. Twenty-four (24) hours-per-day, seven (7) days-per-week emergency advice and/or representation to membership from attorneys, attorney representatives, staff representatives and/or other staff members determined by NAPSO to be necessary to provide services for incidents arising out of and occurring in the course and scope of their employment.

5. Access to attorneys, attorney representatives, staff representatives and/or other staff members determined by NAPSO to be necessary to provide services at "meet and confer" sessions at the request of and with the assistance of the Association.

6. Representation at Executive Board, Board of Directors or General Membership meetings of the Associations (reasonable efforts will be made by the Association to limit the representative’s time and attendance to those relevant issues concerning the Association's business for which the representative is needed).

7. Additional services to the affiliated Associations' Boards of Directors, as follows:

(a) Advise the Board on matters affecting the general membership

(b) Advise the Board and assist in coordinating the hiring of other legal or labor specialists, when necessary

(c) Advise the Board concerning charter issues, resolutions, rules and regulations

(d) Advise the Board on its By-Laws and Constitutions

Contact NAPSO for more information and a brochure outlining its LEGAL & ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN offered to full Associations and to individual officers and supervisors from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and other departments.

Page Last Updated: Oct 10, 2022 (12:24:41)
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